Blog archive
This is the blog archive with all posts sorted by year. If you’re looking for the by-tag list, use the tag archive.
- 2024 (3 posts)
- 2023 (1 posts)
- 2022 (1 posts)
2021 (25 posts)
- Advent 2021: Open source
- Advent 2021: Blender
- Advent 2021: Visual Studio Code
- Advent 2021: Thunderbird
- Advent 2021: ZFS
- Advent 2021: Zstandard
- Advent 2021: Catch2
- Advent 2021: SQLite
- Advent 2021: Ansible
- Advent 2021: Linux
- Advent 2021: Matplotlib, Pandas & Numpy
- Advent 2021: XML & JSON
- Advent 2021: GraphQL
- Advent 2021: gRPC
- Advent 2021: Flask
- Advent 2021: Angular
- Advent 2021: Django
- Advent 2021: CMake
- Advent 2021: TypeScript
- Advent 2021: Go
- Advent 2021: Python
- Advent 2021: C#
- Advent 2021: C++
- Advent 2021: Intro
- Components & code design
- 2020 (4 posts)
- 2019 (4 posts)
- 2018 (7 posts)
2017 (17 posts)
- From Google Test to Catch
- GraphQL in the GPU database
- Version numbers
- JIRA & Confluence with systemd on CentOS
- Docker, KVM and iptables
- Build systems: Conclusion
- Build systems: CMake
- Build systems: Premake
- Build systems: Buck
- Build systems: Bazel
- Build systems: FASTbuild
- Build systems: Waf
- Build systems: SCons
- Build systems: MSBuild
- Build systems: Make
- Build systems: Intro
- Introducing kyla 2.0
2016 (9 posts)
- Work is all about predictability
- Introducing kyla - part 2
- Introducing kyla - part 1
- Dependency-free autocomplete - a web development story
- Mapping between HLSL and GLSL
- Setting up your own mailserver
- Moving from Wordpress to Nikola
- Designing C APIs in 2016
- Storing vertex data: To interleave or not to interleave?
2015 (9 posts)
- Debugging D3D12 fences & queues
- 5 years of data processing: Lessons learned
- Getting started with D3D12
- Shadow mapping basics
- Scratching your itch: Side projects
- Building your own home server, part #4
- Building your own home server, part #3
- Building your own home server, part #2
- Building your own home server, part #1
2014 (16 posts)
- Games 2014
- Developing on Linux: A look back
- Quick guide to autofs for SMB and NFS shares on Ubuntu
- Running OpenCL Cycles using Blender 2.71 & AMD GPUs
- Associating OpenCL device ids with GPUs
- Some notes on data processing
- Living with Linux - 6 months recap
- Managing results, or: What the hell did I do?
- Live OpenCL application profiling with AMD's GPUPerfAPI
- Robust OpenCL initialization, part #2 (Optimus & friends)
- Robust OpenCL initialization, part #1
- My GDC 2014 talk on OpenCL and realtime graphics
- Porting from Windows to Linux, part 3
- Book review: OpenCL Programming by Example
- Porting from Windows to Linux, part 2
- Porting from Windows to Linux, part 1
2013 (11 posts)
- My wish list for 2014
- Games 2013
- Taking Linux seriously
- OpenCL & graphics: Are we there yet?
- How to uninstall the Intel OpenCL SDK 2013 after upgrading to Windows 8.1
- Porting from DirectX11 to OpenGL 4.2: API mapping
- Programmer productivity
- OpenCL 2.0 Review
- Porting from DirectX11 to OpenGL 4.2: Tales from the trenches
- Porting from DirectX11 to OpenGL 4.2: Textures & samplers
- Two more reasons why you should be using OpenCL
2012 (16 posts)
- Games 2012
- Programming tools
- Getting started with OpenCL, Part #3
- Getting started with OpenCL, Part #2
- Getting started with OpenCL, Part #1
- OpenCL and DirectX/OpenGL interop
- Research code: An inside look
- Be careful with that shared_ptr, my friend
- What is OpenCL?
- Why you should use LLVM's ArrayRef
- Symstore for easier PDB handling
- Scalable geometry handling
- Making your library easy to integrate
- Open source projects waiting to be implemented
- Canonical include files for frameworks & libraries
- Minimal setup screen space quads: No buffers/layouts required
2011 (12 posts)
- Using right/left-handed viewing systems with both DirectX & OpenGL
- OpenCL for realtime rendering: What's missing?
- Proof: Free range teapots in the land of Point Reyes
- C++, ownership and shared_ptr
- Ava source code is now public
- GDC Europe 2011: Day 3, with a tiny amount of Gamescom
- GDC Europe 2011: Day 2
- GDC Europe 2011: Day 1
- Review: PVS Studio
- Poor man's animation framework revisited
- VPlan4: Project overview
- Notes section
2010 (28 posts)
- VPlan4: A bit of history
- Heading back from NVIDIA
- Blog content updated/revisited
- Poor man's animation framework
- Automated testing on my latest research project
- Bazaar 2.2 has been released
- Light propagation volumes
- Build engineering
- Building Qt -- fast
- Deus Ex 3 Trailer, or what you can do for a few hundred $ per frame
- GPU Pro available
- C++ unit testing frameworks revisited
- Reporting compiler bugs
- New blog style
- Disk failure (with some data loss)
- Avoid unsigned types by default
- Triangle rasterization in homogeneous coordinates gotcha
- CSS3/JavaScript for styling: Your opinion matters
- Assisted texture assignment preprint available
- Bazaar for version control
- DirectX11 hints ...
- Back from I3D
- Cannot connect to WPA-PSK2 protected WLAN on Linux ...
- Changing XP from retail to OEM ...
- At the TU Munich
- Moving
2009 (59 posts)
- New communication modalities
- Posting on hold
- DirectX 11 platform update has been released
- Beta testing time
- Postmortem: Diploma Thesis, 2
- Postmortem: Diploma Thesis, 1
- Leaving the Côte d'Azur
- Linux developer tools
- Yachtseeing in Antibes
- Switching to Linux: A Windows developer’s view
- DirectX SDK (August 2009) released
- Using CMake to build a Qt application
- Carmack’s 2009 keynote
- Boost 1.40 released
- Updated Qt build instructions
- Optimising performance: Strings, maps, sets
- Unit testing introduction
- OpenGL tips & tricks
- Interesting graphics papers, articles and other stuff
- Graphics APIs done wrong
- Building Qt from source with Visual Studio
- New MechWarrior game incoming
- Antibes, Sophia-Antipolis, Cannes
- Short status update
- Useful HTML reports
- Google diff, match and patch ported to C#
- Some notes on strings, data structures and data bases
- Improving your programming skills
- Of being determined
- Getting yourself into the "zone", and some notes on programming as a craft
- Pixel aligned rendering in OpenGL, and direct state access
- Carmack's keynotes
- Enjoy the ride
- .NET 4.0/Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1 is out
- Regular posting schedule
- Boost 1.39 has been released, and CMake 2.6.4 is out as well
- Development machines
- Updating a DXTC texture with DX10
- More information on Caustic Graphics
- SQLite3
- AMD GDC 2009 slides are available
- nVidia GDC 2009 presentations are out
- GDC 2009 Larrabee presentations availabe
- Eurographics, moving
- Intel Larrabee instruction set is ready-to-use
- March 2009 DirectX SDK released
- Virtual texture mapping, part 2
- New theme
- Pimpl your C++ code
- Memory optimisations
- Indexing PDFs for Windows Search on Vista x64
- Boost 1.38 released
- Boost 1.38 incoming
- Debug war story
- Movies and cars
- Staying up to date
- Some notes about testing
- Test on multiple platforms
2008 (51 posts)
- Invest in testing
- Post schedule, SSE, other stuff
- Debugging shaders: Artifacts grouped into quads
- Got an answer from ... John Carmack! Woho!
- War story: Cache if it you can
- C++ tricks, #6: Explicit template instantiation
- Loose Octrees
- DX SDK November 2008 released
- Boost 1.37 has been released
- Visual Studio 2010 preview released
- The quest for the right UI toolkit
- Reading recommendation: Pragmatic programmer
- Back, catching up
- Fedora Linux: An easy to use Linux for work (with CUDA)
- CMake – A build tool that just works
- Displaying listings in LaTeX beamer slides
- API design tips
- Music gem: Baba yetu
- std::tr1::shared_ptr tutorial
- Convert a FAT32 partition to NTFS on XP Home
- WPF: Minimal WPF DataBinding example
- Visual Studio 2008 SP 1 /.NET 3.5 SP 1 out
- What are you waiting for?
- SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP 1 released (x64 inside)
- Code quality notes
- Voxels, sparse octrees, virtualization
- SVN 1.5, TortoiseSVN 1.5 released
- DX SDK - June 2008 is out
- I found a reason
- Virtual texture mapping
- CMake 2.6 final released
- Type traits
- Choose the next post subject
- Server problems, VC feature pack updated
- Setting up a minimal Debian for VM use
- Bug in Boost 1.35/Threads, Condition::notify_one
- Migrating from Boost 1.35 to TR1
- Visual C++ feature pack
- Experiences
- Boost 1.35 released
- Building OpenEXR 1.4.0a on Vista/VS2008
- CMake 2.6 reaches beta
, precompiled headers and pimpl - C++, legacy and future
- DX SDK March 2008 is out
- Vista x64 SP1
- Windows Live Writer
- SimpleDB
- SphereAO
- Updated the cast article
- 32bit Explorer on Vista x64
2007 (54 posts)
- Building Boost from SVN trunk with Visual Studio 2008 (x86 & x64)
- C++ background: Static, reinterpret and C-Style casts
- Netbeans and SVN over SSH
- Transformer quiz
- Competition comeback
- VirtualBox 1.5.2 released
- Non-official, more recent Audigy drivers for Vista
- New opensource C/C++ Frontend
- FileZilla 3.0 Final released
- VC++ future and where is Microsoft going today?
- Compiler magic
- Network & Math rambling
- Firefox plugins
- Boost 1.34.1 released
- C++ tricks, #5: Breaking on memory allocations with VC
- E3
- Cache-aware programming
- War. War never changes ...
- What's going on?
- niven object managment R16 working
- Automatic consistency checking
- C++ tricks, #4: Binding to overloaded member functions
- Don't leave home
- R600 is out
- Boost 1.34 has been released
- AMD releases "Barcelona" software optimization guide
- Test driven
- C++ Tricks, #3: Beating your compiler at stupid stuff
- Python 2.5.1 released
- C++ tricks, #2: Parameter passing
- VTK and Python ...
- nVidia releases new drivers
- nVidia drivers for Vista ...
- CGtalk cherries, in-depth
- Virtualization
- New domain
- Breaking dependencies with COM-style interfaces
- Aqsis on Summer of Code
- Visual Studio 2005 SP1 on Vista
- Web development
- Shutdown day
- CGTalk cherries
- Aqsis 1.2.0 released
- Aqsis 1.2.0 RC4 works fine on Vista x64
- C++ tricks, #1: Compile time checks
- niven ported to x64
- nivenCore on x64
- Shelter13 ...
- New desktop wallpaper
- C-warning discovered
- Relaxed comment rules
- Compiler "optimisation", continued
- Compiler "optimisation" ...
- Working at warning level 4
2006 (59 posts)
- Development fun
- Syntax highlighting
- VPlan released
- Visual Studio 2005 SP 1 changelog
- Visual Studio 2005 SP1
- More timings
- Optimising compile times with precompiled headers
- Java SE 6 is out
- Virtualization and updates
- Working on ...
- niven build scripts updated
- niven on its way to x64 support
- About page updated
- Think about your StudiVZ accounts
- VPlan
- Java is Open Source now, and I've stopped some side projects
- Here they go
- GeForce 8800 out today
- Damn busy ;)
- Scheduling
- What does nVidia do?
- Clear view
- One exam left
- Exams (mostly) over
- Hardware trouble and future
- Transparency anti-aliasing
- Package loading
- Back
- Multithreaded issues
- Thread-pool
- Exception(al?) performance
- Style tweaked a bit
- New style
- Gameplay scripting
- Unit testing
- Lambda functions in C++
- Branching the hard way
- Threads & Vista
- Windows Vista
- From scratch we go
- Visual Studio 2005 - Hail Microsoft!
- Changes
- Music
- Packages update
- File I/O performance
- Long live OpenGL
- Desktop working again
- File system thoughts
- Rewriting
- First object serialized
- Good news for OpenGL
- Packages
- LaTeX and packages
- AnkhSVN and the WiX Toolkit
- Collada DOM has been released
- Thoughts on scripting
- Inside niven: Dynamic class loading
- Collada 1.4 is out!
- Inside niven Part. I
2005 (47 posts)
- DirectX 10 - The beginning of the end?
- Boost::Signal inside a std::map
- Back on the OpenGL Track, Collada delayed
- Niven|FSG started
- GLExt2 goes OpenSource
- Boosting your C++ tools
- OpenOffice 2.0 is out
- nLite - Pimping up your Windows Installation
- Windows Media Player madness
- F13 going public
- Beta.Shelter13
- Random thoughts
- Support OpenGL!
- RAID picture
- RAID your shelter
- .obj import working
- War of the Worlds
- SH13 Pastebot
- New logo for Niven
- ASM book
- Niven
- Episode III and some C++
- Unreal Engine 3 Footage
- Some small updates
- Updating
- Getting on
- Some little progress
- Unbreak my code, say it will work again ...
- Update round I
- New comp running, bugtracker API ideas
- Bug tracker tracking itself
- First bug tracker image
- Bug tracker database schema finished
- New comp incoming again
- Comp blown up
- Bugtracker, again
- Books, part I and still waiting for graphics
- Patents and bugzilla
- Code review and new rig incoming
- Bug tracker found
- Bug tracking
- Content, content, content...
- Starting small...
- Decision ...
- Some random thoughts
- New logo
- Welcome to my blog