Scratching your itch: Side projects
Everyone has them, small side projects which somehow never want to get finished. That small tool you wrote to convert some ancient file format into a newer one. The tiny hack to an image library to add support for scanline offset caching to improve TGA loading performance. Small things which make a library much more usable for a particular use case, or tiny tools which help with corner cases that only few people run into.
What do these side projects have in common? First of all, I guess the majority of them never gets released, which means we’re all going to have our small hack to some image library, our own small converter for ancient file formats and other tiny pieces of code on which we hack occasionally. Well, not really occasionally, but every time we run into a new bug or when we find a new use-case. Second, these side projects take away increasing amounts of time and mental capacity as you have this lingering feeling at the back of your head that you should really “finish” this at some point, but you simply don’t have the time to do it “properly”.
I know this feeling very well. Doing it “properly” means for us to have all know issues fixed, have good documentation, port it to all platforms under the sun and ideally have 100% test coverage. After all, it’s a side project, so at least here we can do everything right, right? Here, we can be the programmer we want everyone to believe we are, writing perfect code.
So how can we solve this dilemma? The first step is to understand that even non-perfect code can solve problems, especially if the problem domain is very small. If all you need is to decompress DXT images, a bunch of C-functions with inline comments might not be the packaged library that you would like to see, but it does solve the problem for people. If anyone has the urgent need to decompress DXT, he will use that library, and chances are high he’ll contribute support for that one more format he cares about. This assumes that the code is out there in the first place!
The five-minute guide to release your side project is quite easy, but what you need to do is to prepare yourself to spend some time on the release itself. Not polishing the code, not fixing crazy corner cases, but doing the stuff that really matters:
- Signing up at some web code repository: Bitbucket, Github, everything else doesn’t matter.
- Get familiar with Mercurial or git. If your code uses a different revision control system, export and reimport now. Currently, only those two revision control systems matter, with a strong bias on git.
- Decide on the license to use. BSD or MIT is the license of choice if you want people to use your code. GPL may be acceptable for Python or other script languages where you have to release the whole source anyway, but BSD or MIT is better still.
- Write a readme: What problems does this code solve, on what system does it run, how do I compile it. The readme is crucial for search engines to find your code. Use something like Markdown or ReStructuredText for it so the plain text can be parsed easily.
- Decide on a name: You don’t want to rename your project and loose your search engine rank. Check first if the name is already in use, calling your SQL database my-SQL-DB might not work as expected.
- Write docs if needed: Don’t waste time on docs unless they are really needed. If needed, use Sphinx or something else which is readable in plain text if people don’t build the docs. Sphinx is great as there are web services like ReadTheDocs which you can point people to.
- If you wrote a sufficiently self-contained library and there’s a distribution system for your language, do the extra leg work to publish your library on the packaging system. For Python, that would be PyPI, for C#, you probably want NuGet to work and for JavaScript npm is your friend. For very small projects, you can skip this.
- Mark the current version as 1.0. If you don’t feel like 1.0, fix the most urgent bugs and push. If your stuff works, and doesn’t crash on every corner, go ahead with 1.0. I know this might sound a bit crazy (hey, 1.0 means stable, right?) but the sad truth about your pet project is that the current state is probably as stable as it will get (remember? You only fix critical bugs anyway), and there won’t be a “future” proper release. So you can go ahead and call it 1.0 just as well, and other people are more likely to use it. If you see a project hanging around at 0.1 for 3 years, you assume it’s dead, wasn’t used for anything and someone simply forgot to delete it.
- Most importantly: Ship it! Your code is ready, don’t waste time. If it’s not good but useful people will tell you, and then you can improve stuff that really matters.
The steps above will likely take you something on the order of a few hours for your first project, and less than one hour later on. If you are spending a significant amount on writing docs, packaging or fixing bugs, then your side-project is probably quite big and not really solving one problem any more. Then you’re in framework or application development which is an area where people are much more unlikely to use your code snippet, and you really need to nail a lot of things before you can release stuff. In this case, this post is not for you!
One great example of such a small, reusable library is the stb lib. It’s a bunch of solutions to common problems which you can easily integrate into your own application. However, I’m sure you all have similar code lying around just waiting to get pushed to the web to the benefit of others! So go ahead, give it the small “release polishing” and share it with all of us – thank you!